What is the Generator Installation Cost?

What is the Generator Installation Cost?

February 08, 20245 min read

A home generator is an excellent investment because of the growing likelihood of power outages caused by rising global power consumption and climate problems, as well as the fact that many countries have started to have the absolute worst blackouts.  The typical generator installation cost is up to $5,098 ($1,522 to $8,677 on a sliding scale). Portable, whole-house, partial, standby, and backup generators are just a few options available. 

You can find these in a wide range of sizes, and they can run on gas, propane, or even batteries. As an illustration, after installation, standby whole-house generators can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $25,000, whereas emergency portable generators typically cost between $1,500 and $6,000 on average. Approximately $500 to $5,000 are attributable to labor, circuits, transfer switches, and concrete pads.

Accessories Required For Installation

Part of the project is buying the generator. No matter what kind of generator you're installing, a few supplementary components will cost money. The installation cost is a substantial chunk of the generator's total price for smaller applications like home or marine generators. If the installation is too complicated, it can cost more than the generator. 

On other occasions, it will be equal to the generator installation cost. The weight of the generator and the amount of technical factors that need to be considered naturally lead to a higher price for larger applications, like commercial or industrial ones. Consider the following factors and their associated generator installation cost ranges:

  • The price range for the transfer switch is $630 to $8,590.

  • Installing a transfer switch can range from $400 to $3,500.

  • The price range is $400 to $850 for the interlock accessory kit. (*)

  • Analyzing power consumption (Fee: $6 + $15/ft.)(The specifics vary with the use).

  • Getting the ground ready and pouring the concrete pad. Price range: $150 to $4000 (The generator's weight and size and its application determine this).

  • Putting in a gas tank or hooking up to the power grid. (Cost: $400 - $12,000) (Considering the task at hand and the capacity of the tank).

  • Labor fees for electrical contractors. Pay range: $40 to $150/hour.

Specific project requirements will dictate the exact list of materials and equipment needed. The interlock kit, power box, circuit breaker, wires, and electrician labor can add up to an average generator installation cost of $400 to $850 when installing a generator interlock. An interlock kit typically connects a portable generator to the electrical panel without a transfer switch. This eliminates the need for a potentially hazardous direct connection.

Generator Installation Cost Breakdown

In most cases, the generator itself will be the most expensive aspect. The installation labor costs, though, are substantial. Plus, there is a wide range of brands when it comes to generator prices.


Installing a whole-house generator can range from $1,500 to $5,000. Unlike smaller generators, larger ones typically require more time and money to install. Installing a generator in an inconvenient spot can also increase the project's Generator installation cost.

Brand Names

Numerous manufacturers make generators. Generator installation costs can be affected by the brand you choose. Generac generators are more expensive than other brands, but Champion and Honda often have some of the most reasonably priced options. 


Installing a generator may require obtaining a permit from certain municipalities or homeowners' associations. Make sure to inquire with your local authority regarding the requirements and pricing of permits, as they typically vary from $50 to $200.

Factors That Affect Generator Costs

A few things should be considered when setting aside money for a generator. For example, if you don't already have one, you'll have to pay for a concrete pad installed so that most whole-house generators can sit on them.

Power And Side Of Generator

A large portion of the final price tag will depend on the kind and capacity of the generator you purchase. Typically, bigger generators are more expensive than their smaller counterparts. The Generator installation costs can also change depending on the fuel type; solar-powered generators are generally the most costly, but they may save you money on energy bills in the long run. On the other hand, there are few whole-house options for gasoline generators, but they are typically the most affordable.

For optimal stability, generators are usually set up on a concrete pad. If you do not already have a pad, it will cost you to install it. The larger your generator, the more you should budget for installing a concrete pad, as the cost typically falls between $50 and $75 per square foot.


Depending on the generator's size, the Generator installation cost can be anywhere from $1,500 to $5,000. The installer may charge you extra to get to the specified spot if they encounter any obstacles.


How much it will cost to run your generator depends on its proximity to your fuel supply and electrical panel. The longer the distance from the fuel source, the more expensive it will be to install because the installer will have to make a longer connection.

Transfer Switch

You can hook up your generator to the power grid by using transfer switches. Both manual and automatic modes are available for your selection. New transfer switches can cost anywhere from $800 to $2,000 installed, depending on the model you go with.

Is A Generator Something You Can Install On Your Own? 

A generator requires a wiring system to connect to your home despite powering a few appliances. Furthermore, gas supplies may be needed for the complicated backup generator installation process. Professional installation is recommended. 

Hiring a qualified professional like In Power Generators can determine the need for a ground rod, inverters (for sensitive electrical equipment), underground wiring and ducting, gas meter upgrade costs, code compliance costs (about $46.65/hour), and other necessary extras. Construction site setup and hoarding (temporary structures erected by contractors to ensure safety) may cost more. These extra generator installation costs are needed for installation safety and proper emission release. 

Hire The Best Generator Installers In Town!

Preventative maintenance and secure Generator installation costs are key to extending the life of your generator with a friendly budget. Repairs, replacement of parts, routine testing, and changing the oil and filters are all part of this.  This maintenance is easy to put off but is essential to keeping your generator reliable if you hire professionals. 

For that reason, In Power Generators offers installation and maintenance services. Get free quote today!

Generator installation costHome generator installationGenerator setup expensesInstalling a standby generatorBackup power system installationGenerator installation pricingCost of generator setupWhole-house generator installationGenerator installation laborInstalling a backup generatorGenerator installation servicesAverage generator installation costResidential generator setupGenerator installation companyProfessional generator installationGenerator installation estimateGenerator installation feesGenerator installation quoteIn Power Generators
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